A little about Sydnie Pettingill…

I have a passion for many things including fishing, hiking, mountain biking, aquarium keeping, restoring vintage cars and archery to count a few! I am married to the love of my life! We met a few years back while I was in college (GO AGGIES!) studying Civil Engineering and residential architecture and design. We told everyone we met at a pet store… on valentines day… when in reality we met on tinder! To this day its a funny family joke. I always say that the only reason I swiped right was because he was holding a puppy…. He says the only reason he swiped right was because I had a vintage mustang.

Soon after my Husband and I had started dating I had moved to Alaska for work. No one believed that he had a girlfriend for MONTHS until I came home. That joke died out pretty fast once I came home.

In 2019 we added a new addition to the family… little Rue rue! Yes she’s totally a puppy! You can find her adorable photo below! To say that we are a little crazy about her is an understatement. I take waaayyyy too many photos of her. She’s a little sock thief, LOVES her best friend Peppa the cat (the feeling is NOT mutual).

I started photography years ago taking reference photos for painting. Soon I became interested in photography and invested in a beginner camera. From there I got a job in Alaska and found my first photography passion- wildlife. I was blessed to see and photograph many things such as the largest bears in the world- Kodiak bears, moose, black bears, deer, caribou, the Northern Lights, bioluminescence, WW2 ruins, sea otters, seals, sea lions, porous, orcha and breaching whales among so many other incredible things.

When moved back to Utah, met my husband and got married. From there I transitioned to couples photos and quickly moved onto weddings. I soon found my passion- adventure elopements! I love the beauty of nature and capturing the raw love and grit between two people in some of the most epic places on earth.

In June 2021 I bought my first horse. This is something I have dreamed of since I was little and its been amazing to finally achieve that! She’s a one year old appaloosa mare and she’s got lots of sass! Her name is Skyfall. A few months later I adopted an older mare named Willy. Sweet Willy is partially blind and mostly deaf, but she enjoys the pasture with Sky and munching on good food. In September Corbin and I adopted three kittens, Winky, Peanut and Poppy. These little stinkers are a joy to watch and keep us on our toes!

In September 2021 we purchased our first home and are in the process of a full renovation. Its keeping us so busy and we are having a blast as we repair things and make it our own. This has been something that we have been working towards for a long time and its amazing to be able to achieve that. We love having our own space where we can do whatever we want and its amazing to have the horses right out the back door.

Thanks for reading! I cant wait to get to know you!